Feeding consultancy
If you’re reading this, the chances are you have come to a point with your child’s eating where you know that it is time for some specialist input. Deciding to get professional support is a very difficult (and brave) decision.
It is important that you find the right professional for you; do contact me and I’ll be very happy to talk about whether I may be able to help and give you a chance to think about whether you’d like to work with me. Book a free 15 minute chat with me or email me:
I work exclusively with parents and carers as a feeding consultant, never the child (although I work as a counsellor with children who have high levels of anxiety or phobia around food). I carry out a detailed assessment and then put together a plan of action that is unique to your family.
I work with families both in person and remotely, via skype or (UK only) the telephone. I love working with international clients; as long as we can find a mutually convenient appointment across time zones, I can help you wherever you are. You can book a remote appointment here.
Book a clinic appointment
Lincoln is very accessible from most parts of the UK - you can book easily online; if there are no appointments available at a time that works for you, get in touch and I'll see if I can accommodate you.

The Burton Waters Clinic, Lincoln, UK
How to find me
The clinic is easy to get to from the A1 from the North or the M1 from the South. Take the A57 towards LIncoln and we are at Burton Waters, clearly signed (at a roundabout) from the A57 before you get into Lincoln itself.
Once you have come off the A57, turn left into Burton Waters marina. Parking is clearly signed and is free. The clinic is in a parade of shops on the left of the marina .
If you are coming from Lincoln, follow signs from anywhere in the city, to Worksop A57. Shortly after leaving the A46 roundabout, you will come to the Burton Waters roundabout where you turn left.
The Clinic
If you are able to, come and see me at the Burton Waters Clinic in Lincoln - its central location makes it accessible from the North and South of the UK.
In some cases, I can offer a combination of face-to-face and remote support, but I always like to see people in person for the first session if at all possible.
I love working in this tranquil setting alongside a lovely group of therapists and practitioners offering a wide range of services.