Whether your child is an extremely anxious eater or loves to eat a wide range of foods, this week's article has something for you. I explore different ways to bring more variety into your child's diet, wherever they are at.
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Whether your child is an extremely anxious eater or loves to eat a wide range of foods, this week's article has something for you. I explore different ways to bring more variety into your child's diet, wherever they are at.
Read MoreI normally write about the more extreme end of picky eating, where children have a complex relationship with food and may be genuinely food-anxious. In this article, I’m going to look at the developmentally normal end of the food-rejection spectrum: neophobia.
Read MoreIt's an all too familiar situation; you're trying your best to help your child... meanwhile you've neglected yourself and you end up anxious, tired and stressed. Find out how you can tackle these issues head on and apply my three tips for awesome self-care.
Read MoreThere are many, many factors which can contribute to childhood feeding problems, such as a child’s temperament, problems with chewing or swallowing or physiological problems like digestive issues or allergies.
Read MoreThis post is not directly about picky eating BUT it will be relevant to you if your child finds eating hard. The longer I have worked in the world of feeding, the more I have come to learn that supporting children in ways that don’t seem immediately to do with their eating can be an essential piece of the puzzle.
Read MoreIf your child is a picky eater, you will be no stranger to the idea that the way they eat is ALL YOUR FAULT. You raised them - it must be something you have ‘done wrong’ along the way.
Read More(and other musings on language)
Read MoreThe short answer is that ARFID stands for Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. It is a clinical diagnosis that may be given to children (and adults) whose eating is extremely limited.
Read MoreThe breakfast rut: when we serve the same one or two cereals every day because they are a safe bet and we know they will provide a decent start to the day. Maybe now and then, we ring the changes with a piece of toast and jam. But basically, breakfast is breakfast.
Read MoreMindset is everywhere now - the mindset you need to get rich (what did that involve, again??) the right mindset for being productive in the workplace… Usually I am turned right off by these zeitgeisty buzz words but do you know what? I am a huge believer in mindset when it comes to parenting a picky eater.
Read MoreIn this article, I want to explore why children may crave mealtime distractions, why they are problematic and how to move away from them in a supportive and gentle way.
Read MoreDoes your child have what you would describe as a 'difficult temperament'? Are they a picky eater? These two things may be linked.
Read MoreI adore orchids. I love their seemingly infinite range of colours from delicate greens to garish purples. I love their unique markings which look like they have been painted on by hand. And when they flower, I love how they give their all - sometimes for months on end.
Read MoreIf we are restricting, we are imposing a limit on what a child can eat. For example, perhaps you have a plate of biscuits (cookies) on the table. If you tell a child that they have to stop eating the biscuits because they have had enough, you are restricting their biscuit intake.
Read MoreSomeone asked me the other day, where the line is between varying a child’s safe foods in a small way (an effective approach to helping them feel confident with change) and sneaking in ingredients. It was a thought-provoking question and got me reflecting on the values underpinning my negative feelings about hidden veggies.
Read MoreIs praise always helpful when it comes to picky eating in modern day society?
Read MoreEver been given parenting advice that goes against all your instincts? Ever had your concerns dismissed or belittled? Many parents of picky eaters certainly have. Read on, to find out why you should trust your gut.
Read MoreSensory sensitivity has been linked by researchers, to picky eating. What does this mean for your child? I dig into the research and share my five tips for mealtime parenting for sensory sensitive kids.
Read MoreAs toddlers get older, they begin to figure out their environment and gain in independence. When it comes to food and drink, they know that the milk lives in the fridge, the cereal lives in the cupboard and guaranteed, they will know where the biscuits are kept.
Read MoreIs it helpful to ask picky eaters what they want to eat, or should you be the one in control of what is on the menu?
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