There are many, many factors which can contribute to childhood feeding problems, such as a child’s temperament, problems with chewing or swallowing or physiological problems like digestive issues or allergies.
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There are many, many factors which can contribute to childhood feeding problems, such as a child’s temperament, problems with chewing or swallowing or physiological problems like digestive issues or allergies.
Read MoreThe short answer is that ARFID stands for Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. It is a clinical diagnosis that may be given to children (and adults) whose eating is extremely limited.
Read MoreThe breakfast rut: when we serve the same one or two cereals every day because they are a safe bet and we know they will provide a decent start to the day. Maybe now and then, we ring the changes with a piece of toast and jam. But basically, breakfast is breakfast.
Read MoreIn this article, I want to explore why children may crave mealtime distractions, why they are problematic and how to move away from them in a supportive and gentle way.
Read MoreSomeone asked me the other day, where the line is between varying a child’s safe foods in a small way (an effective approach to helping them feel confident with change) and sneaking in ingredients. It was a thought-provoking question and got me reflecting on the values underpinning my negative feelings about hidden veggies.
Read MoreIn this post, I express some thoughts that have been brewing for a few years now. We need health professionals to respond to feeding problems in an informed and supportive way.
Read MoreIn this guest post, Simone Emery of Play with Food Australia, explains how physical movement can help children manage the sensory stimulation that eating entails.
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