When is it time to get your picky eater specialist help?

'Picky', 'finicky' or 'fussy' eating is a thorny area because, as those words imply, it may just be an insignificant phase that needn't be a major cause for concern or  it may be a huge source of stress within a family, with complex underlying factors.

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First steps...

Helping your child overcome issues with food is no different from tackling the other myraid of parenting challenges that life throws at us. The real beginning of the journey  is about acknowledging that you have a problem. If you have a picky eater in the family, there are so many reasons why  you may not yet have sought help. You may be unsure of where to go for support, you may have complex feelings about your child's eating, perhaps secretly suspecting that you may be part of the problem - facing up to these emotions is not easy. This post is about how to begin to turn things around.

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