First off, can I state that I haven't set out to indulge in a little mid-week Gina Ford bashing? That's too easy and it's been done to death. Having said that, every time I hear her mentioned, I can't help but remember my friend ritually burning The Contented Little Baby Book because her baby hadn't read that she was supposed to be napping every day at 9 and 2 and wouldn't play ball. When I saw that Gina Ford had written a book on fussy eating, I was curious to find out what she had to say. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised.
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Book Review - It's Not About the Broccoli, by Dina Rose, PhD
This is the first of my new series of book reviews that I will be posting at the end of every month. And what a great place to start. I'm always really interested to read what other people have to say about picky eating and Dina Rose did not disappoint. A sociologist by training, Dina’s academic background has given her the ability to step back and notice patterns of behaviour that contribute to poor eating habits.
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