Whether your child is an extremely anxious eater or loves to eat a wide range of foods, this week's article has something for you. I explore different ways to bring more variety into your child's diet, wherever they are at.
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Whether your child is an extremely anxious eater or loves to eat a wide range of foods, this week's article has something for you. I explore different ways to bring more variety into your child's diet, wherever they are at.
Read MoreThis post is not directly about picky eating BUT it will be relevant to you if your child finds eating hard. The longer I have worked in the world of feeding, the more I have come to learn that supporting children in ways that don’t seem immediately to do with their eating can be an essential piece of the puzzle.
Read MoreIn this article, I want to explore why children may crave mealtime distractions, why they are problematic and how to move away from them in a supportive and gentle way.
Read MoreRead about what kind of plate is best for your child and why. There are lots of plates on the market aimed specifically at picky eaters, but do they help or hinder?
Read MoreIn this frank interview with Leah - an adult who was a very picky eater as a child - we get to the heart of what's it's like to be scared of eating.
Read MoreWe've all been there. You put your child's plate down in front of them and they take one look at it and say: "yuk"!!! "gross!!!!" "Euuuughhhhh!!!".
Read MoreIn this post, I express some thoughts that have been brewing for a few years now. We need health professionals to respond to feeding problems in an informed and supportive way.
Read MoreThis article is all about helping you recognise the small wins. Grab your free 'snap-shot' tool to give you a bit of perspective on your child's picky eating.
Read MoreAs parents, we want to understand our children's behaviours in order to better support them. There are many, many causes of picky eating, but in this post I focus on one that is not often spoken of; temperament.
Read MoreSometimes it really can feel like the end of the road for parents. If you have completely run out of ideas, the strategy I share in this post can be the beginning of your child's journey towards a varied diet.
Read MoreFood-related anxiety is a reallly common cause of feeding problems. In this post, I discuss the research on anxiety and eating. Read to the end for my free guide to helping your food-anxious child.
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