If we are restricting, we are imposing a limit on what a child can eat. For example, perhaps you have a plate of biscuits (cookies) on the table. If you tell a child that they have to stop eating the biscuits because they have had enough, you are restricting their biscuit intake.
When is it time to get your picky eater specialist help?
'Picky', 'finicky' or 'fussy' eating is a thorny area because, as those words imply, it may just be an insignificant phase that needn't be a major cause for concern or it may be a huge source of stress within a family, with complex underlying factors.
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Learning to leave food is part of learning to love food - Part 1
This is the first of a two-part piece on throwing away the food your child doesn't eat.
I am always telling parents who have concerns about their child's eating to get their child's growth checked. In fact, I won't take on new clients unless they have done this. If you are teetering on the brink of a decision to make some changes regarding your child's eating, getting their weight and growth checked should be your next move.